- Record of Decision
- Final EIS Documents
- Draft EIS Documents
The Draft EIS is available for downloading through the links provided below. You can explore the Draft EIS below by clicking on a Volume. To facilitate viewing and downloading of files, each Volume has been broken down by chapter. You can download one chapter at a time, or the entire volume if you prefer. Volume 9 has been divided into separate appendices.
Although we have made every attempt to break the Draft EIS into small electronic files to facilitate download and review, time to download chapters will vary depending on the internet connection. The executive summary gives a quick overview of the Draft EIS and is relatively small in file size.
- Executive Summary A brief summary of the entire document
- Volume One Overview of Proposed Actions and Alternatives
- Volume Two Marine Corps Relocation – Guam
- Volume Three Marine Corps Relocation – Training on Tinian
- Volume Four Aircraft Carrier Berthing
- Volume Five Army Air and Missile Defense Task Force
- Volume Six Related Actions – Utilities and Roadway Projects
- Volume Seven Potential Mitigation, Preferred Alternatives' Impacts, and Cumulative Impacts
- Volume Eight Additional Items Required by NEPA
- Volume Nine Appendices
- Executive Summary (2.1 MB)
- Reader's Guide (0.6 MB)
- 1. Purpose Of and Need for Action (2.1 MB)
- 2. Overview of Proposed Actions and Alternatives (0.9 MB)
- 3. Summary of Alternatives (1.7 MB)
- 4. References (0.2 MB)
- Download Volume Two as a Single Document (49.7 MB)
- 1. Purpose Of and Need for Action (0.4 MB)
- 2. Proposed Actions and Alternatives (7.7 MB)
- 3. Geological and Soil Resources (2.0 MB)
- 4. Water Resources (4.9 MB)
- 5. Air Quality (0.9 MB)
- 6. Noise (2.0 MB)
- 7. Airspace (0.9 MB)
- 8. Land and Submerged Land Use (4.1 MB)
- 9. Recreational Resources (1.6 MB)
- 10. Terrestrial Biological Resources (11.1 MB)
- 11. Marine Biological Resources (5.7 MB)
- 12. Cultural Resources (3.6 MB)
- 13. Visual Resources (5.5 MB)
- 14. Marine Transportation (0.9 MB)
- 15. Utilities (0.1 MB)
- 16. Socioeconomics and General Services (1.6 MB)
- 17. Hazardous Materials and Waste (3.1 MB)
- 18. Public Health and Safety (0.6 MB)
- 19. Environmental Justice and the Protection of Children (1.0 MB)
- 20. References (0.4 MB)
- 1. Purpose Of and Need for Action (0.7 MB)
- 2. Proposed Action and Alternatives (3.0 MB)
- 3. Geological and Soil Resources (1.6 MB)
- 4. Water Resources (2.3 MB)
- 5. Air Quality (0.4 MB)
- 6. Noise (1.4 MB)
- 7. Airspace (0.5 MB)
- 8. Land and Submerged Lands Use (3.2 MB)
- 9. Recreational Resources (0.8 MB)
- 10. Terrestrial Biological Resources (4.2 MB)
- 11. Marine Biological Resources (1.3 MB)
- 12. Cultural Resources (1.8 MB)
- 13. Visual Resources (1.1 MB)
- 14. Roadways and Marine Transportation (1.1 MB)
- 15. Utilities (0.2 MB)
- 16. Socioeconomics and General Services (0.6 MB)
- 17. Hazardous Materials and Waste (0.6 MB)
- 18. Public Health and Safety (0.5 MB)
- 19. Environmental Justice and the Protection of Children (1.2 MB)
- 20. References (0.4 MB)
- 1. Purpose Of and Need for Action (1.6 MB)
- 2. Proposed Action and Alternatives (11.1 MB)
- 3. Geological and Soil Resources (0.5 MB)
- 4. Water Resources (1.1 MB)
- 5. Air Quality (0.5 MB)
- 6. Noise (0.4 MB)
- 7. Airspace (0.3 MB)
- 8. Land and Submerged Lands Use (0.4 MB)
- 9. Recreational Resources (0.4 MB)
- 10. Terrestrial Biological Resources (1.4 MB)
- 11. Marine Biological Resources (5.7 MB)
- 12. Cultural Resources (0.6 MB)
- 13. Visual Resources (0.3 MB)
- 14. Transportation (0.3 MB)
- 15. Utilities (0.3 MB)
- 16. Socioeconomics and General Services (0.5 MB)
- 17. Hazardous Materials and Waste (0.5 MB)
- 18. Public Health and Safety (0.4 MB)
- 19. Environmental Justice and the Protection of Children (0.3 MB)
- 20. References (0.4 MB)
- 1. Purpose Of and Need for Action (0.2 MB)
- 2. Proposed Action and Alternatives (0.8 MB)
- 3. Geological and Soil Resources (0.1 MB)
- 4. Water Resources (0.1 MB)
- 5. Air Quality (0.1 MB)
- 6. Noise (0.1 MB)
- 7. Airspace (0.1 MB)
- 8. Land and Submerged Land Use (0.1 MB)
- 9. Recreational Resources (0.2 MB)
- 10. Terrestrial Biological Resources (0.7 MB)
- 11. Marine Biological Resources (0.1 MB)
- 12. Cultural Resources (0.5 MB)
- 13. Visual Resources (0.1 MB)
- 14. Marine Transportation (0.1 MB)
- 15. Utilities (0.1 MB)
- 16. Socioeconomics and General Services (0.2 MB)
- 17. Hazardous Materials and Waste (0.1 MB)
- 18. Public Health and Safety (0.1 MB)
- 19. Environmental Justice and the Protection of Children (0.1 MB)
- 20. References (0.1 MB)
- Download Volume Six as a Single Document (41.3 MB)
- 1. Purpose Of and Need for Action (1.5 MB)
- 2. Proposed Action and Alternatives (6.2 MB)
- 3. Utilities (2.4 MB)
- 4. Roadways (20.3 MB)
- 5. Geological and Soil Resources (0.4 MB)
- 6. Water Resources (0.9 MB)
- 7. Air Quality (0.9 MB)
- 8. Noise (0.6 MB)
- 9. Airspace (0.2 MB)
- 10. Land and Submerged Land Use (0.3 MB)
- 11. Recreational Resources (1.3 MB)
- 12. Terrestrial Biological Resources (2.4 MB)
- 13. Marine Biological Resources (1.6 MB)
- 14. Cultural Resources (1.9 MB)
- 15. Visual Resources (0.8 MB)
- 16. Marine Transportation (0.2 MB)
- 17. Socioeconomics and General Services (0.5 MB)
- 18. Hazardous Materials and Waste (0.4 MB)
- 19. Public Health and Safety (0.3 MB)
- 20. Environmental Justice and the Protection of Children (0.3 MB)
- 21. Section 4(F) Evaluation (2.1 MB)
- 22. References (0.3 MB)
- 1. Overview (1.1 MB)
- 2. Overview of Best Management Practices and Mitigation Measures (1.1 MB)
- 3. Preferred Alternatives: Summary of Impacts (1.2 MB)
- 4. Cumulative Impacts (2.2 MB)
- 5. References (0.1 MB)
- 1. Introduction (0.3 MB)
- 2. Consistency with Other Federal, State, and Local Land Use Plans, Policies, and Controls (0.2 MB)
- 3. Required Permits and Approvals (0.2 MB)
- 4. Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources (0.2 MB)
- 5. Relationship Between Short-Term Use of the Environment and Long-Term Productivity (0.2 MB)
- 6. Sustainability and Smart Growth (0.3 MB)
- 7. Distribution List (0.2 MB)
- 8. List of Preparers (0.1 MB)
- 9. References (0.1 MB)
- Appendix A: Public Involvement Materials (7.9 MB)
- Appendix B: Cooperating Agencies (1 MB)
- Appendix C: Agency Correspondence (2.7 MB)
- Appendix D: Project Description Technical Appendix (1.2 MB)
- Appendix E: Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA) (21.2 MB)
- Appendix F: Socioeconomic Impact Assessment Study (12.9 MB)
- Appendix G: EIS/OEIS Resource Technical Appendix (1.6 MB)
- Appendix H: Coastal Consistency Determination (CCD) (0.6 MB)
- Appendix I: Air Quality Impact Analysis Data (3.1 MB)
- Appendix J: Supplemental Aircraft Carrier Marine Surveys (14.6 MB)
- Appendix K: Additional Reports (86.6 MB)
- Appendix L: Volume 5: Weapons Emplacements Sites Analysis (0.6 MB)